Thursday, October 3, 2019

Using Mixed Reality for Shopping

As mixed reality technology begins to advance and develop, it is already taking a foothold in many aspects of our daily lives. For navigation, social media, healthcare, and more, mixed reality is the future. Although still in the early stages, mixed reality is now taking over retail shopping. Online shopping has been extremely convenient for consumers and mixed reality is now elevating their shopping experience. 
Interacting with Products
One of the drawbacks of traditional shopping online is not being able to know if you really like it or not. For example, buying furniture has always been tricky. Sometimes it’s hard to picture what the piece of furniture will actually look like in their home. With the use of mixed reality, consumers are able to interact with products and see how it will look in their homes. This will allow them to have a clearer vision of the products they want before making the commitment to them and purchasing. 
Boosting Business
By being able to see a product at all angles, more consumers are being comfortable with making bigger purchases. Because of this, more and more major retailers are adopting mixed reality technology into their online shopping platform. Consumers are becoming more drawn to retailers that use mixed reality. By incorporating this advanced technology, it boot’s a company’s business. This leads to far fewer returns and great customer satisfaction. 
integrating the Technology
As of now, only major companies and retailers have adopted the latest technology trend. However, mixed reality is gaining a lot of popularity and making major developments. Because of this, there will be more and more demand for the use of mixed reality in shopping. With a higher demand from consumers, using mixed reality for buying products will eventually become a norm. Over time, more and more retailers will soon adopt this technology into their online platforms.
The benefits of mixed reality in retail shopping are too great to not make further developments. Within the next few years, consumers will see more mixed reality in their shopping experience. 

Mixed Reality Glasses Replacing Smartphones

When smartphones first came out, they were the most revolutionary innovation to date. They completely changed how people communicate and in general how they lived. It was such an advanced piece of technology that many believed nothing could ever replace it. Now that it has become a major accessory and necessity in our lives, it’s hard to picture anyone living without one. However, smartphones may become a thing of the past. As mixed reality begins to advance and develop, It’s time to make room for Mixed Reality Glasses (MRG):
As mixed reality becomes more and more accessible, major companies are seeing the potential in this advanced technology. With these companies involved, consumers will see mixed reality becoming more incorporated in their lives. Companies such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Apple all have a strong foothold in mixed reality. Each company has been developing innovative products and applications related to MRG to release to the public. Soon, consumers will be experiencing the revolutionary advancements of MRG. 
As mixed reality begins to advance, MRG’s have more and more potential to completely replace smartphones. MRG’s have technological advancements that are able to take crystal clear pictures and videos with filters and effects. Not only are these smart binocular glasses extremely light, but advanced features are also being developed that allow users to play mixed reality games at a first-person view, watch movies, answer phone calls, and receive app notifications including compatibility with social media platforms.  MRG technology shows no sign of slowing down.
The technology of MRG is still in the early stages. Although there is still so much to come, the technology is very promising. Designers and developers from all around the world are working to make mixed reality glasses more of a necessity and not a novelty. Instead of people looking at apps and social media on their smartphones, mixed reality glasses will make them experience the applications the way the view the world

This article was originally published on